Agricultural extension
- Bentley, J., Van Mele, P., Chadare, F. and Chander, M. 2022. Videos on agroecology for a global audience of farmers: an online survey of Access Agriculture. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2022.2057641. Read paper ›
- Bentley, J.W., Naziri, D., Prain, G., Kikulwe, E., Mayanja, S., Devaux, A. and Thiele, G. 2021. Managing complexity and uncertainty in agricultural innovation through adaptive project design and implementation. Development in Practice, 31(2), 198-213.
- Zoundji, G., Okry, F., Vodouhê, S., Bentley, J. and Witteveen, L. 2020. Commercial channels vs free distribution and screening of agricultural learning videos: A case study from Benin and Mali. Experimental Agriculture, 56(4), 544-560.
- Bentley, J.W., Van Mele, P., Fousseni Barres, N., Okry, F. and Wanvoeke, J. 2019. Smallholders download and share videos from the Internet to learn about sustainable agriculture, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2019.1567246. Read paper ›
- Van Mele, P., Okry, F., Wanvoeke, J., Fouseni Barres, N., Malone, P., Rodgers, J., Rahman, E. and A. Salahuddin 2018. Quality farmer training videos to support South-South learning. CSI Transactions on ICT, 6(3), 245-255.
- Zoundji, G.C., Okry, F., Vodouhê, S.D. & Bentley, J.W. 2018. Towards sustainable vegetable growing with farmer learning videos in Benin, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2018.1428393 Read paper ›
- Wyckhuys, K.A.G., Bentley, J.W., Lie, R., Nghiem, L.T.P. and Fredrix, M. 2018. Maximizing farm-level uptake and diffusion of biological control innovations in today's digital era. BioControl 63(1), 133-148. Read paper ›
- Bentley, J., Van Mele, P., Touré, S., van Mourik, T., Guindo, S. and Zoundji, G. 2017. Seeds of the Devil Weed. Local Knowledge and Learning from Videos in Mali. In P. Sillitoe (ed.) Indigenous Knowledge: Enhancing its Contribution to Natural Resources Management Wallingford: CAB International, pp. 75-85. Read paper ›
- Bentley, J., Kondwani, R. U. and Van Mele, P. 2016. Malawi DJs distribute videos to farmers. Agro-Insight and Access Agriculture, pp. 49. Read paper ›
- Bentley, J. 2016. The Luo translations: farmer learning videos in northern Uganda. Agro-Insight, Belgium, pp.50. Read paper ›
- Van Mele, P., Bentley, J., Md. Harun-ar-Rashid, Okry, F. and van Mourik, T. 2016. Letting information flow: Distributing farmer training videos through existing networks. Indian Journal of Ecology, 43 (Special Issue-1): 545-551. Read paper ›
- Bentley, J., Van Mele, P., Harun-ar-Rashid and Krupnik, T. 2015. Distributing and showing farmer learning videos in Bangladesh. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 1-19. Read paper ›
- Bentley, J., Van Mele, P., Zoundji, G. and Guindo, S. 2014. Social innovations triggered by videos: Evidence from Mali. Agro-Insight, Belgium, pp. 27. Read paper ›
- Bentley, J., Van Mele, P., Okry, F. and Zossou, E. 2014. Videos that speak for themselves: when non-extensionists show agricultural videos to large audiences. Development in Practice 24(7), 921-929. Read paper ›
- Bentley, J., Van Mele, P., Touré, S. and van Mourik, T. 2013. Fighting striga and improving soil fertility with videos in Mali. Agro-Insight, Ghent, pp. 21. Read paper ›
- Bentley, J., Van Mele, P. and Harun-ar-Rashid 2013. The Story of a Video on Mechanical Seeders in Bangladesh: "If we are convinced, we will buy it". MEAS Case Study # 6, Michigan State University, pp. 28. Read paper ›
- Van Mele, P., Wanvoeke, J., Rodgers, J. and McKay, B. 2013. Innovative and effective ways to enhance rural learning in Africa. In: Wopereis, M., Johnson, D., Ahmadi, N., Tollens, E. and Jalloh, A. (eds.) Realizing Africa's Rice Promise. CABI Publishing, 366-377. Read paper ›
- Bentley, J., Van Mele, P. and Musimami, G. 2013. The Mud on Their Legs – Farmer to Farmer Videos in Uganda. MEAS Case Study #3, Michigan State University, pp. 26. Read paper ›
- Okry, F., Van Mele, P. and Houinsou, F. 2013. Forging new partnerships: Lessons from the dissemination of agricultural training videos in Benin. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 1-21. Read paper ›
- Bentley, J. and Boa, E. 2013. The snowman outline: fact sheets by extensionists for farmers. Development in Practice 23(3), 440-448. Read paper ›
- Van Mele, P. 2013. Desperately seeking content: Why service providers increasingly search for quality agricultural training videos. Paper presented at the International Conference on Innovations in Extension and Advisory Services. Nairobi, Kenya, 15-18 November 2011: CTA. Read paper ›
- Danielsen S, Boa E, Mafabi M, Mutebi E, Reeder R, Kabeere F, Karyeija R. 2012. Using plant clinic registers to assess the quality of diagnoses and advice given to farmers: a case study from Uganda. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension : 1-19. DOI:10.1080/1389224X.2012.741528
- Zossou, E., Van Mele, P., Wanvoeke, J. and Lebailly, P. 2012. Participatory impact assessment of rice parboiling videos with women in Benin. Experimental Agriculture 48(3), 438-447. Read article ›
- Zossou, E., Vodouhe, D.S., Van Mele, P. and Lebailly, P. 2012. Linking farmers’ access to rural radio, gender and livelihoods: case study of rice processors in Benin. Paper presented at the Third IAALD Africa Chapter Conference. Johannesburg, South Africa, 21-23 May 2012. Read article ›
- Bentley, J.W., Boa, E., Almendras, F., Franco, P., Antezana, O., Díaz, O., Franco J., and Villarroel, J. 2011 How farmers benefit from plant clinics: An impact study in Bolivia. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 9(3):393-408. Read article ›
- Bentley, J., Van Mele, P., Kibwika, P., Atta Diallo, H., Oduor, G., Romney, D. and Williams, F. 2011. AGRA Extension Support Function Country Reports. CABI, Nairobi, 172 pp. Read report ›
- Boa E. 2011. Rapid responses to new plant diseases: the use of Going Public to monitor the spread of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt and control Napier Grass Stunt in East Africa. Acta Horticulturae 879: 705-716. Read article ›
- Danielsen S, Centeno J, López J, Lezama L, Varela G, Castillo P, Narváez C, Zeledón I, Pavon F, Boa E. 2011. Innovations in plant health services in Nicaragua: from grassroots experiment to a systems approach. Journal of International Development 24 (2).
- Van Mele, P. 2011. Video-mediated farmer-to-farmer learning for sustainable agriculture. A scoping study for SDC, SAI Platform and GFRAS. Agro-Insight, Ghent, Belgium, 47 pp. Read report ›
- Van Mele, P., Bentley, J.W., Dacko, R.M., Yattara, K. and Acheampong, G.K. 2011. Attitude counts: engaging with rice farmers in West Africa. Development in Practice, 21(6), 806-821. Read article ›
- Chowdhury, A.H., Van Mele, P. and Hauser, M. 2011. Contribution of farmer-to-farmer video to capital assets building: Evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 35(4), 408–435. Read article ›
- Bentley, J. and Van Mele, P. 2011. Sharing ideas between cultures. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 9(1), 258-263. Read article ›
- Bentley, J.W., Van Mele, P. and Acheampong, G.K. 2010. Experimental by nature: rice farmers in Ghana. Human Organization, 69(2), 129-137. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P., Wanvoeke, J. and Zossou, E. 2010. Enhancing rural learning, linkages and institutions: the rice videos in Africa. Development in Practice, 20(3), 414-421. Read article ›
- Zossou, E., Van Mele, P., Vodouhe, S.D. and Wanvoeke, J. 2010. Women groups formed in response to public video screenings on rice processing in Benin. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 8(4), 271-278. Read article ›
- Chowdhury, A.H., Van Mele, P. and Hauser, M. 2010. Learning through moving pictures: Farmer-to-farmer video to stimulate farmers' innovations about botanical and alternative pest management practices in Bangladesh. Tropentag, September 14-16, 2010, Zurich. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P. 2010. Zooming-in, zooming-out: Farmer education videos: Are we getting it right? Rural Development News, Vol 1/2010, 23-26. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P., Wanvoeke, J., Akakpo, C., Dacko, R.M., Ceesay, M., Béavogui, L. and Anyang, R. 2010. Videos bridging Asia and Africa: Overcoming cultural and institutional barriers in technology-mediated rural learning. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 16(1), 75-87. Read article ›
- Bentley, J.W. 2009. Impact of IPM extension for smallholder farmers in the tropics, pages 333-346. In Integrated Pest Management: Dissemination and Impact, R. Peshin and A.K. Dhawan (Eds). New York: Springer. Read article ›
- Bentley, J.W. 2009. The right message and method. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 7(2):79–80. Read article ›
- Bentley, J.W., Boa, E., Danielsen, S., Franco, P., Antezana, O., Villarroel, B., Rodríguez, H., Ferrrufino, J., Franco, J., Pereira, R., Herbas, J., Díaz, O., Lino, V., Villarroel, J., Almendras, F., and Colque, S. 2009. Plant health clinics in Bolivia 2000-2009: Operations and preliminary results. Food Security 1(3), 371-386. Read article ›
- Boa E. 2009. Plant Healthcare for poor farmers around the world: gathering demand and innovative responses In Knowledge and Technology Transfer for Plant Pathology, edited by N. V. Hardwick and M. Guillano: Springer Netherlands. Read article ›
- Boa E. 2009. How the Global Plant Clinic began. Outlooks on Pest Management 20: 112-116. Read article ›
- Sherwood, S. and Bentley, J.W. 2009. Katalysis: Helping Andean farmers adapt to climate change. Participatory Learning and Action 60, 65-75. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P. 2009. Strengthening Rural Extension. In I. Scoones and J. Thompson (eds) Farmer First Revisited: Innovation for Agricultural Research and Development. London: Practical Action Publications, pp. 207-212. Read article ›
- Dalohoun, D.N., Hall, A. and Van Mele, P. 2009. Entrepreneurship as driver of a 'Self-Organizing System of Innovation': the case of NERICA in Benin. International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 8(2), 87-101. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P. and Reece, J.D. 2009. The changing roles of international agricultural research centres. Tropentag, Hamburg, October 6-8. Read article ›
- Chowdhury, A.H., Van Mele, P. and Hauser, M. 2009. Contribution of farmer-to-farmer video to food security: Evidence from Bangladesh. Tropentag, Hamburg, October 6-8. Read article ›
- Zossou, E., Van Mele, P., Vodouhe, S.D. and Wanvoeke, J. 2009. The power of video to trigger innovation: rice processing in central Benin. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 7(2), 119-129. Read article ›
- Zossou, E., Van Mele, P., Vodouhe, S.D. and Wanvoeke, J. 2009. Comparing farmer-to-farmer video with workshops to train rural women in improved rice parboiling in Central Benin. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 15(4), 329-339. Read article ›
- Bentley, J.W. and Thiele, G. 2008. On the road to change: Writing the history of technologies in Bolivia. Participatory Learning and Action 58(1), 113-120. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P. 2008. Multiple approaches to enhance communication between rice farmers, service providers and scientists. Outlooks on Pest Management, 19(6), 260-263. Read article ›
- Salahuddin, A., Van Mele, P. and Magor, N. 2008. Pro-poor values in agricultural research management: PETRRA experiences in practice. Development in Practice, 18(4&5): 619-626. Read article ›
- Bentley, J.W., Boa, E., Danielsen, S., and Zakaria, A.K.M. 2007. Plant clinics for healthy crops. Leisa Magazine 23(4), 16-17. (Also available in Spanish, French, Chinese and Indonesian). Read article ›
- Bentley, J.W., Barea, O., Priou, S., Equise H., and Thiele, G. 2007. Comparing farmer field schools, community workshops, and radio: Teaching Bolivian farmers about bacterial wilt of potato. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education 14(3), 45-61. Read article ›
- Bentley, J.W., Velasco, C., Rodríguez, F., Oros, R., Botello, R., Webb, W., Devaux, A., and Thiele, G. 2007. Unspoken demands for farm technology. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 5(1):70-84. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P., Zakaria, A.K.M., Hosne-Ara-Begum, Harun-Ar-Rashid and Magor, N.P. 2007. Videos that strengthen rural women's capability to innovate. Communication for Development and Social Change, 1(3), 273-293. Read article ›
- Bentley, J.W. 2006. Folk Experiments. Agriculture and Human Values 23(4), 451-462. Read article ›
- Bentley, J.W., Priou, S., Aley, P., Correa, J., Torres, R., Equise, H., Quiruchi J.L. and Barea, O. 2006 Method, creativity and CIALs. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 5(1), 90-105. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P. 2006. Zooming-in, zooming-out: a novel method to scale up local innovations and sustainable technologies. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 4(2), 131-142. Read article ›
- Okry, F. and Van Mele, P. 2006. Documenting, validating and scaling-up local innovations: Recent experiences from the Africa Rice Center (WARDA). LEISA Magazine, 22(3), 14-15. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N.P. 2006. Innovations in project documentation. Rural Development News, 1, 39-45. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P. 2006. Photographs from the field. Rural Development News, 1, 46-47. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P. 2006. Learning through writing. LEISA Magazine, 22(1), 24-25. Read article ›
- Badrul, A., Magor, N.P. and Van Mele, P. 2005. Pump it up: developing a pro-poor mobile pump market. In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 157-168. Read article ›
- Bashar, M.K., Salahuddin, A. and Van Mele, P. 2005. Building a rice seed network. In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 209-220. Read article ›
- Saleque, M.A., Harun-Ar-Rashid, Van Mele, P. and Bentley, J. 2005. Village soil fertility maps. In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 89-102. Read article ›
- Nash, P. and Van Mele, P. 2005. Going Public: a quick way to share ideas with communities. In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 103-114. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P., Zakaria, A.K.M., Nasrin, R., Chakroborty, B. and Rodgers, J. 2005. Bringing science to life: video development for women-to women extension. In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 49-60. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P., Zakaria, A.K.M. and Bentley, J. 2005. Watch and learn: video communication for appropriate technologies. In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 77-88. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Jabbar, M.A. 2005. Grameen Seed: Grameen experiments with a pro-poor seed innovation system. In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 233-244. Read article ›
- Bentley, J. and Van Mele, P. 2005. Creative learning methods. In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 63-76. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P. 2005. Farmseed: putting farmers at the heart of the seed production and distribution system. In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 221-232. Read article ›
- Samsuzzaman, S. and Van Mele, P. 2005. Innovating with federations: community institutions take the lead in seed marketing. In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 245-254. Read article ›
- Latifun Nessa, H. and Van Mele, P. 2005. Breaking down barriers: women-led group extension. In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 29-39. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. 2005. People and pro-poor innovation systems. In: Van Mele, P., Salahuddin, A. and Magor, N. (eds.) Innovations in Rural Extension: Case Studies from Bangladesh. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 257-296. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P. and Braun, A. 2005. The importance of methodological diversity in research and development innovation systems. In: Gonsalves, J., Becker, T., Braun, A., Campilan, D. de Chavez, H., Fajber, E., Kapiriri, M., Rivaca-Caminade, J. and R. Vernooy (eds.) Participatory Research and Development for Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management. A Sourcebook. Vol. 1 Understanding Participatory Research and Development. CIP/UPWARD, Philippines, pp. 51-56. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P. and Zakaria, A.K.M. 2005. The Innovation Tree: visualizing dynamics in the community innovation system. In: Gonsalves, J., Becker, T., Braun, A., Campilan, D. de Chavez, H., Fajber, E., Kapiriri, M., Rivaca-Caminade, J. and R. Vernooy (eds.) Participatory Research and Development for Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management. A Sourcebook. Vol. 3 Doing Participatory Research and Development. CIP/UPWARD, Philippines, pp. 66-71. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P. and Zakaria, A.K.M. 2005. From concept to impact: developing and communicating multipurpose seed drying tables in Bangladesh. In: Gonsalves, J., Becker, T., Braun, A., Campilan, D. de Chavez, H., Fajber, E., Kapiriri, M., Rivaca-Caminade, J. and R. Vernooy (eds.) Participatory Research and Development for Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management. A Sourcebook. Vol. 3 Doing Participatory Research and Development. CIP/UPWARD, Philippines, pp. 91-105. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P. and Braun, A. 2005. Methodological diversity and creativity in agricultural innovation systems. PLA Notes, 53, 74-79. Read article ›
- Bentley, J., Boa, E., Van Mele, P., Almanza, J., Vasques, D. and Eguino, S. 2003. Going Public: a new extension method. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 1(2), 108-123. Read article ›
- Van Mele, P. and Zakaria, A.K.M. 2002. The Innovation Tree: a new PRA tool to reveal the innovation adoption and diffusion process. PLA Notes, 45, 54-58. Read article ›
- Bentley, J. and Baker, P.S. 2000. The Colombian coffee growers' federation: organised, successful smallholder farmers for 70 years. Agricultural Research & Extension Network Paper 100, 9. Read article ›
- Bentley, J. W. 1994. Facts, Fantasies and Failures of Farmer Participatory Research. Agriculture and Human Values 11(2&3),140-150. Read article ›