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Access Agriculture aims to strengthen rural advisory services by stimulating the distribution and use of farmer training videos in local languages.
Ecoagriculture aims to enhance rural livelihoods, conserve or enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services, and develop more sustainable and productive agricultural systems.
SAI Platform is created by the food industry to communicate and to actively support the development of sustainable agriculture involving stakeholders of the food chain.
Prolinnova is an NGO-initiated global learning network that promotes local innovation in ecologically-oriented agriculture and natural resource management.
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security explores new ways of helping vulnerable rural communities adjust to changes in climate.
The Plantwise Initiative helps the world's poorest farmers deal with pests, diseases, weeds and other plant health problems.
Extension's Role in Sustainable Agricultural Development describes the need to integrate technological change with learning, and supportive institutions and policy.
The Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services provides advocacy and leadership on pluralistic, demand-driven rural advisory services, with a goal of promoting sustainable growth and reducing poverty.
Jules Pretty and Rachel Hine present 47 Portraits of Sustainable Agriculture Projects and initiatives in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Global Food and Farming Futures provides evidence and discusses the challenges and choices for policy makers and others whose interests relate to all aspects of the global food system.
New Agriculturist keeps readers abreast of trends, results and innovations in agricultural and rural development, both policy and technical, relating specifically to developing countries.